Giving Back To The Community in Green Bay

At Foundation Chiropractic Center in Green Bay, our team is happy to be a part of this community. We make sure to volunteer and host drives to help those around us. Below you will find the charitable organizations we have helped with the donations received from our patients.
How We've Helped The Community in Green Bay

Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary
We donated an abundance of supplies and around $200 to help with all the dog adoptions Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary, Inc. does!

Little Mended Hearts
We were able to make a contribution of over $800 to Little Mended Hearts through our benefit dinner.

Ben's Wish
We collected over 300 cans of nonperishables for Ben’s Wish in 2019.
Since opening in 2017 we have donated over $500 to Ben’s Wish

Student Veterans of America
Foundation Chiropractic partnered with NWTC’s Supply chain management club and Student Veterans of America to collect items for care packets for military members overseas.

Syble Hopp School
Syble Hopp School in De Pere is centered in providing education to children with disabilities. We were able to help collect school supplies for their 2019 school year.

United Methodist Church
We helped collect blankets, gloves, and scarves for First United Methodist Church of Green Bay’s winter drive.

De Pere Christian Outreach Food Pantry
During our Soup-R Bowl Can Drive we collected 428 cans! All of the cans were delivered to the De Pere Christian Outreach Food Pantry to help out those in need.

Freedom House
Our Sock and scarf drive in 2020 was a success. We collected three huge bags filled with scarves and two bags filled with socks for Freedom House in Green Bay.

Toys for Tots
Our Toys for Tots drive was a success. We helped make many children happy over the 2020 Holiday Season.

Brown County Library
We DOUBLED our initial goal of collecting 150 books to donate to the Brown County Libraries! We collected 300 books which will be utilized at the various branches and their outreach programs!

Police Unity Tour
Over the years Foundation Chiropractic has matched Donations for the Police Unity Tour of over $300.
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Foundation Chiropractic Center
2822 Ramada Way #110
Green Bay, WI 54304